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Ruthie Genson

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Posted in General Posts by Ruth Genson on 7/21/2021

Hi my name is Ruth I’m 33 years old and I live in Germany.
In this Blog I will tell you my story and how I heard about the world race.

The first time I met a World Race Team was when I was doing my second year at Charis Bible College in Heidelberg, South Africa. I still remember when some of the Team Members shared there Vision/Testimony at Cell Group. Inside of me I could feel this fire and passion for what they are doing and I knew this is something I really want to do. I started to research the website and was shocked when I saw the amount of money which needed to be fundraised. And also because I am international this means I would have to fill out the International Visa Requirement Form. So I scheduled a call and someone explained to me how to fill out this form and lots more. I realised I have to put effort in if I really want to do this Mission trip and I thought “oh no I can never get this much money together and this is just too much work for me at the moment”. So when these thoughts came into my mind, after a couple of weeks the desire to go on the World Race went away. For me it was okay as I guessed that was just my own desire and not a godly desire.

I was doing my 3rd year at Charis Bible College in South Africa and what happened?Another Team from America turns up. This time I wasn’t really involved with the Team and the desire to go and do the World Race still came back but I pushed it away because I thought at that time it was just my selfish desire again.

I came back to Germany at the End of 2018. Life was good and I was working as a district nurse driving to my patients home to help them wherever they needed help.
In January I decide to fly to South Africa and did so in February, a spontaneous decision but that’s me.

So guess what happened? I met another World Race Team. So I started to ask them questions about the whole application process and one girl gave me a contact to another girl who speaks German but lives in the USA.

So this time I actually answered all the questions on the Website from the World Race but didn’t schedule a call. I started to worry again. Questions popped into my mind like “How am I going to pay off my car I just bought? What will happen to my flat when I am gone for 1 year?” So I did what I have done in the past and shifted the desire away.

It sounded like my own voice but because it came up so many times I knew that the Holy Spirit was asking me that question. In the beginning it scared me because I was holding unto the things I had. At that time I had startet to watch a watch sermon from a Preacher from Austria and he talked about supernatural provision and trusting God in all things. That really hit me because I realised I had trusted the Lord for things in the past but this time it seemed to be so big.

It took me a couple of weeks to let go of my worries and fears in that area. A couple of times, the Holy Spirit also gave me the story of Abraham. We all know that he left his home behind to go into a new country God showed him. And we all know how well it turned out for him.

Praise the Lord that now I can say yes to letting go of everything I have and to follow him wherever he takes me.

I believe that now is the right time and the right year because out of worries and fear I learned to trust the Holy Spirit with helping tools and I can know celebrate over the revelation I got out of that.

And after that revelation the desire inside of me got stronger and also my confidence in doing it and working through all the steps it takes.

A scripture and word that I received in a prophecy in 2017 which really stood out for me was: ASK FOR ME AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE NATIONS FOR YOUR INHERITANCE AND THE END OF THE WORLD FOR YOUR POSESSION. PSALM 2:8. And the word that I received was: “Ruth I can see you going into nations and impacting nations.”
